Sunday, December 28, 2008

The lost art of saying "thank you."

Okay, a little rant here. I'm a big stickler for the whole being polite thing. Lots of "please" and "thank you's" from me. That's just how I was raised. I'm beginning to see an unfortunate trend of that going away, especially in businesses. If I buy something from you, no matter if it's a Mountain Dew or a new truck, I want to hear you say "thank you," and try to mean it too.

I'm going to tell the person who waited on me thank you too, even if I don't hear it first. You helped me, so you're getting a thank you. Here are some acceptable responses to my thank you, in order of my preference.

1. Thank you too!
2. You're welcome
3. Have a good day

Here are some unacceptable responses, one of which inspired this rant.

1. Yeah.
2. Mmm Hmm
3. Uhh huh
4. No response whatsoever

Okay, I'm done now. If your in the business of helping people, please take this to heart. Oh, and thanks.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

ChristmasEve_24Dec2008_ 013
Originally uploaded by
For our decidedly low-key Christmas Eve this year we had Pizza and Pasta from Pizza Hut, opened gifts and played a game where we pretty much made up our own rules. We laughed a lot over not much at all and ate too many brownies.

Why, yes, there are pictures on Flickr. And, they're right about here

And, for what just edged out last year as the worst Christmas ever, mom and I spent it at the hospital with Mamalee who is not doing well. We had lunch and dinner at the Casino next door to the hospital, which was sad all in itself. (but not all that bad food, it turned out). We did get a break and joined Steve to watch Valkrie, which was okay but not exactly the feel-good fuzzy movie we should have went seen. Here's to a better Christmas next year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas and a Movie

Yesterday, we all went up to Norman to have a good Christmas lunch with a few of the Pitts side of the family. This is the first time we have done this and will be my only Christmas dinner this year as we have canceled our big Holt Family gathering this year due to my grandma being in the hospital. For Christmas Eve though, the immediate family is going to have a brisket lunch and open presents-- nontraditional for us this year.

Yesterday, we also went to see "The Day the Earth Stood Still." We didn't listen to the reviews when we went to see "The Happening" and was punished for ignoring them. We were punished again. I did like the last line though... "It's leaving." "No, he's leaving." How sweet. I almost shed a tear as I was running for the theater doors.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Advertisements Collection

Originally uploaded by
Small Town OK
New over at "Small Town OK" Flickr is a set of old advertisements collected from the teens. There's only a few up now, but I'm on the look out for others. Better Go Now! There are BARGAINS GALORE!

Hurry on over to Flickr before they're all gone.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Twelve Months of 2008 Survey

Twelve Months of 2008 Survey


Twelv..e Month..s of
2008 Surve..y


1) Who kisse..d you on new years

No one.

2) Did you have a New Year'..s Resol..ution.. this year?..:

I think I did, but don’t really remember what it was. Since I can’t remember what it was, can I say
I accomplished it?

3) Does it snow where.. you live?..:

When it feels like it.

4) Do you like hot choco..late?..:

Yes, with marshmallows on top, please.

5) Have you ever been to Times.. Squar..e to watch.. the ball drop?..:

No, I think ..Times Square.. would freak me out pretty
extensively on New Years.


1) Who was your Valen..tine?..:

Oh, shut up.

2) Do you care if the groun..dhog sees its shado..w or not?:

Not so much.

3) What did you for Valen..tine'..s Day?

Really, shut your mouth.


1) Are you Irish..?

Yes, from one side.....

2) Do you like corne..d beef and

I wouldn’t think so.....

3) What did you do for St.’s day?....

4) Are you happy.. when Winte..r is prett..y much over?

Yeah, I’m tired of it by then.


1) Do you like the rain?..:


2) Did you play an April.. Fool'..s joke on anyon..e this year?

I don’t believe I did.

3) Do you get tons of candy.. for Easte..r?


4) Do you celeb..rate 4/..20?:

Okay, so I had to look this up… National Weed Smoking Day? Is that on the calendar? I must have missed
it. Well, there’s always next year.

5) Do you love the month.. of April..?

I don’t have an intimate connection to the month of April.


1) What is your favor..ite flowe..r?

I’m randomly pulling one from a box right now… and the winner is… I don’t care.

2) Finis..h the phras..e "..April..…":

I’m just going to leave you hanging on that.
It’ll drive you crazy.

3) Do you celeb..rate May 16th:..

Oh, great. Another one I don’t know. What is this one… “National Jump Off a Cliff
Because Everyone Else is Doing it” Day?

4) Is May to you?:

A pretty nice month.


1) What year did/..will you gradu..ate from high schoo..l?:


2) Did you do fun durin..g this month..?

I went to Cattlemen’s to eat… that was fun and good.

3) Have a favor..ite baseb..all team?

Brave..s, just because my dad liked them.
I have to make fun of Sally a little bit because she spelled it
Alanta. Just like it was on Steve’s


1) What did you do for the 4th of july?

Was at ....Gulf Shores.., ..AL.... soaking in some rays and watched
fireworks later that night.

2) Did you go to the firew..orks?

I didn’t so much go as walk out on the balcony.

3) Did you blast.. the A/C all day?

We weren’t inside much.


1) What was your favor..ite summe..r memor..y of '08?

I’d say ....Gulf.. ..Shores.... for the most part.

2) Did you have a sunbu..rn?

A little, nothing too major.

3) Did you go to the pool a lot?:

Went to the ocean a lot. The pool only


1) Are you atten..ding


2) Do you like fall bette..r than summe..r?

Yes, fall is nice.

3) What happe..ned this month..?

My brother got married.


1) What is your favor..ite candy..?


2) What did you dress.. up as for Hallo..ween?..

I didn'..t.

3) How did you celeb..rate Hallo..ween?..

Went to Steve and Sally’s house.


1) Whose.. house.. do you go to for

My mom had Thanksgiving this year.

2) What are you thank..ful for?

Even though it’s all doom and gloom on the news, I’m thankful that if you stop
and think about, and look around, we’ve still got it pretty good.

3) Do you love

No, only dressing will do.

4) worth.. menti..oning.. from this month..?

No, not really.


1) Have you ever been kisse..d under.. the mistl..etoe?..


2) What do you want this year for Chris..tmas?..

I’d like my grandma to get better so she could enjoy Christmas.

4) What do you love most about.. Decem..ber?

I like the gathering of family and the Christmas lights. I like the first snow.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Cattlemens_12Dec2008_ 002
Originally uploaded by
On Friday night, Bradley and Mary invited us all up to Cattlemen's in Oklahoma City's historic stockyard city (just had to add that). I think this was the first time I had been there, although there's a chance I went on a FFA trip once. I told Steve the restaurant reminded me of JD's in Ada... "We haven't remodeled in 50 years and we're proud of it!" We had a nice meal (the steak was very good) and then went back to Norman to look at their new house, which was very nice.

There are pictures over at Flickr. Go and get 'em.