Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lasik didn't kill me. Yea!

Okay, so I have wanted Lasik for about 10 years now and finally had it done. And, you know what, it wasn't so bad. For sure not the horrible torture that I had in my head. I was actually more okay with the cutting part than the vision correction part, and I think most people are the other way around. With the cutting part they put this suction thing on my eye and I lost all vision. If you can get past that... it's all good because you can't see or feel anything (or smell anything for that matter). The second part was really freaky to me. While it was probably more comfortable than the cutting (no suction thing) I could see everything they were doing (more or less) plus the laser smelled like... burning flesh? I don't know what that really smells like I guess, but they assured me it was only the laser smell and not anything they were doing to me. Good enough, I said. It's only been a couple of days and I'm not 100%, but they said it will keep getting better. I plan on writing a full review of the whole experience at some point. It would have helped me if I could have found even one review of the place I had it done at.

1 comment:

Felicia said...

Told ya! Glad that you didn't think it was a too horrible process! On your next post you'll have to write what your vision is now!