Sunday, December 28, 2008

The lost art of saying "thank you."

Okay, a little rant here. I'm a big stickler for the whole being polite thing. Lots of "please" and "thank you's" from me. That's just how I was raised. I'm beginning to see an unfortunate trend of that going away, especially in businesses. If I buy something from you, no matter if it's a Mountain Dew or a new truck, I want to hear you say "thank you," and try to mean it too.

I'm going to tell the person who waited on me thank you too, even if I don't hear it first. You helped me, so you're getting a thank you. Here are some acceptable responses to my thank you, in order of my preference.

1. Thank you too!
2. You're welcome
3. Have a good day

Here are some unacceptable responses, one of which inspired this rant.

1. Yeah.
2. Mmm Hmm
3. Uhh huh
4. No response whatsoever

Okay, I'm done now. If your in the business of helping people, please take this to heart. Oh, and thanks.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

ChristmasEve_24Dec2008_ 013
Originally uploaded by
For our decidedly low-key Christmas Eve this year we had Pizza and Pasta from Pizza Hut, opened gifts and played a game where we pretty much made up our own rules. We laughed a lot over not much at all and ate too many brownies.

Why, yes, there are pictures on Flickr. And, they're right about here

And, for what just edged out last year as the worst Christmas ever, mom and I spent it at the hospital with Mamalee who is not doing well. We had lunch and dinner at the Casino next door to the hospital, which was sad all in itself. (but not all that bad food, it turned out). We did get a break and joined Steve to watch Valkrie, which was okay but not exactly the feel-good fuzzy movie we should have went seen. Here's to a better Christmas next year.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas and a Movie

Yesterday, we all went up to Norman to have a good Christmas lunch with a few of the Pitts side of the family. This is the first time we have done this and will be my only Christmas dinner this year as we have canceled our big Holt Family gathering this year due to my grandma being in the hospital. For Christmas Eve though, the immediate family is going to have a brisket lunch and open presents-- nontraditional for us this year.

Yesterday, we also went to see "The Day the Earth Stood Still." We didn't listen to the reviews when we went to see "The Happening" and was punished for ignoring them. We were punished again. I did like the last line though... "It's leaving." "No, he's leaving." How sweet. I almost shed a tear as I was running for the theater doors.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

New Advertisements Collection

Originally uploaded by
Small Town OK
New over at "Small Town OK" Flickr is a set of old advertisements collected from the teens. There's only a few up now, but I'm on the look out for others. Better Go Now! There are BARGAINS GALORE!

Hurry on over to Flickr before they're all gone.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Twelve Months of 2008 Survey

Twelve Months of 2008 Survey


Twelv..e Month..s of
2008 Surve..y


1) Who kisse..d you on new years

No one.

2) Did you have a New Year'..s Resol..ution.. this year?..:

I think I did, but don’t really remember what it was. Since I can’t remember what it was, can I say
I accomplished it?

3) Does it snow where.. you live?..:

When it feels like it.

4) Do you like hot choco..late?..:

Yes, with marshmallows on top, please.

5) Have you ever been to Times.. Squar..e to watch.. the ball drop?..:

No, I think ..Times Square.. would freak me out pretty
extensively on New Years.


1) Who was your Valen..tine?..:

Oh, shut up.

2) Do you care if the groun..dhog sees its shado..w or not?:

Not so much.

3) What did you for Valen..tine'..s Day?

Really, shut your mouth.


1) Are you Irish..?

Yes, from one side.....

2) Do you like corne..d beef and

I wouldn’t think so.....

3) What did you do for St.’s day?....

4) Are you happy.. when Winte..r is prett..y much over?

Yeah, I’m tired of it by then.


1) Do you like the rain?..:


2) Did you play an April.. Fool'..s joke on anyon..e this year?

I don’t believe I did.

3) Do you get tons of candy.. for Easte..r?


4) Do you celeb..rate 4/..20?:

Okay, so I had to look this up… National Weed Smoking Day? Is that on the calendar? I must have missed
it. Well, there’s always next year.

5) Do you love the month.. of April..?

I don’t have an intimate connection to the month of April.


1) What is your favor..ite flowe..r?

I’m randomly pulling one from a box right now… and the winner is… I don’t care.

2) Finis..h the phras..e "..April..…":

I’m just going to leave you hanging on that.
It’ll drive you crazy.

3) Do you celeb..rate May 16th:..

Oh, great. Another one I don’t know. What is this one… “National Jump Off a Cliff
Because Everyone Else is Doing it” Day?

4) Is May to you?:

A pretty nice month.


1) What year did/..will you gradu..ate from high schoo..l?:


2) Did you do fun durin..g this month..?

I went to Cattlemen’s to eat… that was fun and good.

3) Have a favor..ite baseb..all team?

Brave..s, just because my dad liked them.
I have to make fun of Sally a little bit because she spelled it
Alanta. Just like it was on Steve’s


1) What did you do for the 4th of july?

Was at ....Gulf Shores.., ..AL.... soaking in some rays and watched
fireworks later that night.

2) Did you go to the firew..orks?

I didn’t so much go as walk out on the balcony.

3) Did you blast.. the A/C all day?

We weren’t inside much.


1) What was your favor..ite summe..r memor..y of '08?

I’d say ....Gulf.. ..Shores.... for the most part.

2) Did you have a sunbu..rn?

A little, nothing too major.

3) Did you go to the pool a lot?:

Went to the ocean a lot. The pool only


1) Are you atten..ding


2) Do you like fall bette..r than summe..r?

Yes, fall is nice.

3) What happe..ned this month..?

My brother got married.


1) What is your favor..ite candy..?


2) What did you dress.. up as for Hallo..ween?..

I didn'..t.

3) How did you celeb..rate Hallo..ween?..

Went to Steve and Sally’s house.


1) Whose.. house.. do you go to for

My mom had Thanksgiving this year.

2) What are you thank..ful for?

Even though it’s all doom and gloom on the news, I’m thankful that if you stop
and think about, and look around, we’ve still got it pretty good.

3) Do you love

No, only dressing will do.

4) worth.. menti..oning.. from this month..?

No, not really.


1) Have you ever been kisse..d under.. the mistl..etoe?..


2) What do you want this year for Chris..tmas?..

I’d like my grandma to get better so she could enjoy Christmas.

4) What do you love most about.. Decem..ber?

I like the gathering of family and the Christmas lights. I like the first snow.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Cattlemens_12Dec2008_ 002
Originally uploaded by
On Friday night, Bradley and Mary invited us all up to Cattlemen's in Oklahoma City's historic stockyard city (just had to add that). I think this was the first time I had been there, although there's a chance I went on a FFA trip once. I told Steve the restaurant reminded me of JD's in Ada... "We haven't remodeled in 50 years and we're proud of it!" We had a nice meal (the steak was very good) and then went back to Norman to look at their new house, which was very nice.

There are pictures over at Flickr. Go and get 'em.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Steve's 26th Birthday

Originally uploaded by
We celebrated Steve's 26th Birthday a little early, since it fell on a weekday. It started at his house, we came to check out his new TV Steve and Sally bought themselves for Christmas. Steve played a little XBox for us. We were going to watch the new Bond movie in Moore, but didn't quite make it, so we ate first at Red Lobster in Norman. Red Lobster, yeah I know. It was a total shocker for me as well. We went by Sam's to check out surround sound systems and then headed back to Asher where we had cake and ice-cream (good) and watched the OU-OSU game on TV. Attending were Steve and Sally, mom, Todd Hughes, Brenda and David (Sally's parents), Jennifer and Marty (Sally's cousin) and myself.

The pictures are on Flickr:

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

Thanksgiving_27Nov2008_ 031
Originally uploaded by
This year I had Thanksgiving at mom's house. We had almost 20 people there and had a good time. Lunch was at noon The weater was perfect. Some sat outside and enjoyed the day. Mamalee seemed to be enjoying herself and sat outside in the sun for a while talking, so that was nice. We had a great meal and several went down to the pond afterward and shot various guns at poor pumpkins and other food goods. The day ended with the last leaving around dark, so a pretty successful Thanksgiving it was.

See this pics on Flickr:

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Originally uploaded by brad_holt
Steve, Sally, myself and the rest of Ada checked out the new Santa Fe Steakhouse Sunday afternoon. It was pretty good. And that's one big.... uh, fan.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting madness (not that there's anything wrong with that)

I went to vote today at what I thought would be a good time, 2:00. I had to wait in line over an hour. I've never seen so many people voting before. Everything other time I have voted there were one to two people in front of me, max. Which is a good thing. I'm glad people got out and voted. Now it's just up to the networks and their magic touch screens to let us know how it went.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

You... yes, you. Join flickr.

I'm on a quest to get people to join flickr. Which... I'm just going to go ahead and say it... may be the coolest website on the whole www. So, here are my reasons why:
  1. It's an easy way to share all your pictures with everyone.
  2. It's also an easy way to share pictures with just a select few. You can create permissions and feel very powerful.
  3. You can tag all your pictures which makes it easy to find that picture (and any other like it) very quickly.
  4. It's free although you can purchase a pro account for some special added powers.
  5. It's a community. I can comment on your pics, you can comment on mine, complete strangers can comment on other complete strangers.
  6. You can draw little boxes on the pictures and add funny notes. Like, you can draw a box around someone's hair and say... hey, that's some stupid-looking hair.
  7. When you log in, you get to see any new pictures your friends have added.
  8. You can view pictures other places than your computer. I can view them on my iPhone and on my TV (via AppleTV) for instance. Of course, you'd have to have those things.
  9. It's a great backup in case your house burns down and stuff.
  10. And, for you fellow bloggers, it's easy to create a blog from any picture WITHIN flickr. That's right, you don't even have to leave the site.

There's other things too, but I have the uncontrollable urge to stop at 10. So, join flickr, won't you? If you have any questions, I'd be happy to try and help. As they say, flickr really is more fun when others join in.

If you want to see my flickr pages, see and

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

As if you care Lasik update

If anyone is considering Lasik and wanting to know how things are going with mine at 30 days, here you are: All things are great! I forget I had it, which I'd say is a good thing. I was a little concerned the first week. My far-away vision was good but I was having problems focusing on text a few feet away. It didn't really kick in that that had improved until today. I was at work at the front desk and a customer had a sample board about eight feet away. It had color swatches on it and under them, the color name in about 12 pt. text. I was reading them from the front desk and he said... "no way can you read that." And, I was like... oh, wow... I can! Which I don't think I could have done with contacts. So, yes, all praise to the lasik surgery. I go for my check-up in a few days. Barring any bad news there, I'd say go for it. (If you'd like to know how the actual surgery went, just click the Lasik label tag underneath this post.)

I am still unsure of when I will stop reaching for my glasses in the morning, though.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

DC Vacation Update: Day 4

At the White House!
Originally uploaded by brad_holt
Our final full day started with the White House. We went through the visitors center before the tour. I was pretty excited about going inside the White House. It just seemed sureal that one could do that, in this day anyway. What did I think? Well.... small, small, small! I couldn't believe how small the few rooms we got to see where. The blue, red and green rooms were a little startling. They're called those names for a reason. The State Dining Room was very understated though and quite elegant. We didn't get to see the East Room where the painting of George Washington hangs (the only thing saved from the WH before the British burned it) as some event was going on there. That was a little disappointing. At the end of the tour we got to go out the front door (!) and down the drive where we took a few pictures, knowing this is as close as we'll ever be to the WH again.
Quite tired from the WH tour, we blew off the Capital tour and had a long lunch and rest instead. We did an abbreviated tour of the Natural History Museum, mainly to see the dinosaurs, which were just amazing. Which ends our last full day here.
I must say... it was fun but I'm ready to head back home. It's too crowded, too loud and too fast-paced for this Okie!

DC Photos on Flickr

DC Vacation Update: Day 3

Yesterday (Tuesday) we started the day by touring the Library of Congress Jefferson Building. We started not to go and just sleep in. You know... library... congress... sounds like a snore-fest waiting to happen anyway. But it was a very beautiful and interesting building. It's one of those that makes you think... they just don't build them like this any more. The building itself, and not necessarily anything in it is the attraction. The ceiling mosaics were amazing. Everything had a story behind it. While we were there we also got to see an original rough draft of the Declaration of Indepedence in Jefferson's handwriting with his notes-- marking this out, adding that, etc. It was pretty faded but still amazing to see.
Our second stop was the National Mall. We stopped briefly at the Smithsonian Castle and then it was on to the Air & Space Museum. We got to see many of the famous air and space craft we've all heard about.... Spirit of St. Louis, the Wright Brother's Plane, the Apollo 11 Spacecraft, the list goes on and on.
After a lot of walking, we went back to the hotel to rest for an hour. We ended up sleeping for four.
We just barely made it to Union Station to catch a twilight tour of the monuments. We stopped at the Jefferson, FDR, Korean, Vietnam, Lincoln and WW II memorials and monuments. We missed the bus after the Lincoln Memorial and had to hoof it to the WW II to try and catch up. It was pretty dark... a little scary. But we made it. After a late-night dinner at McDonalds in Union Station, we ended our latest day thus far... midnight.

DC Photos on Flickr

Monday, October 6, 2008

DC Vacation Update: Day 2

Today we took a bus to Philadephia, PA. This was an experience. We took what is called a "China Bus," which is a pretty inexpensive way to get there. We had to go to China Town, which was both weird and a little scary. And I should have seen this coming, half the people on the bus were Chinese. While I don't have a problem with this, I just hate not understanding what a person is saying. And, when it is happening all around you... it can cause some anxiety. I was wishing I had brought my headphones. Of course, there were the mangled-english signs which are always entertaining ("Not response for belonging" for example). The driver apparently could not speak English. I asked when the bus was leaving and he replied with an abrupt "Yes." When we got to Philadelphia, he kept yelling "Philadelphia off! New York stay on!" over and over. Okay... Philadelphia (or at least the part we started in) was a little scary. The people were lound, annoying and rude. That part wasn't enjoyable. But when we made it to "old town" things improved. It was very interesting seeing the Liberty Bell and touring Independence Hall, where the Constitution was approved. Benjamin Franklin's neighborhood was also interesting to see. It's amazing to think how old these buildings are (at least for the US) and all the history that had happened there. Tomorrow is the Smithsonian Museums and downtown. All this time and we have yet to see the White House!
DC Photos on Flickr

DC Vacation Update: Day 1

MtVernon_05Oct2008_ 005
Originally uploaded by brad_holt
Sunday was basically all about George Washington, with the exception of a morning trip to Arlington National Cemetery. While, of course, not a "fun" trip, it was very interesting to see the final resting places of people like JFK. I thought the Memorial Amphitheater building was amazing (more on Flickr). The afternoon we spent at Mt. Vernon, George and Martha Washington's estate. The area was very interesting and had a lot to look at. We toured the mansion as well as the many outbuildings and Washington's tomb. So, why else was the day about Washington except for Mt. Vernon? Okay, here we go: Our hotel is called One Washington Circle Hotel. We crossed Washington Circle to get to the metro. There was a statue of Washington on a horse in the circle. We went to Mt. Vernon. And, on our way back... we had dinner at... wait for it... George Washington University Hospital. Yes, we went into a hospital for the sole purpose of eating. It was the only thing open at the end of our day on the way back to the hotel. Hey, it wasn't that bad!

DC Photos on Flickr

Friday, October 3, 2008

I'm off to DC!

Tomorrow morning I leave for DC! I've been wanting to go for about 10 years now, so I hope it's not a big fat letdown! I'm sure it won't be. It's going to be a major state-fest, too. Oklahoma to Georgia to Maryland to DC (not really a state, I know) to Virginia to Pennsylvania and back. On Sunday, we're going to Arlington Cemetery and Mt. Vernon- George Washington's estate. Monday, we're going to Philadelphia to see Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell, Benjamin Franklin's Post Office and a dozen other buildings. Tuesday is the Library of Congress and Museums. Wednesday we get to go INTO the White House (which I'm pretty excited about because it's much harder to get into than it used to be), tour the Capital and visit the monuments. And Thursday we come back home. Depending on my level of tiredness, I may post the days photos in the evening on Flickr, so check it out and you can keep track of what we're doing (like you really care that much!)

Flickr Link

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Bahamas!

I just found out I get to go to the Bahamas next year! I'm very excited. It will be the first time I have left the country. Plus... it's the Bahamas! A few fun facts I have already gathered. They accept US money and there's no exchange rate (which is good right now) but they drive on the other side of the road! And, get this, they have left-side vehicles like the US. But drive on the other side of the road. Crazy! It's like everyone's a postman over there! We'll be staying at a new resort called "Atlantis." The picture was taken by another Flickr member, so if you click it you will see more photos of Atlantis, but I didn't take them.

Ada McDonald's goes tumbling down

This was kind of fun to watch. It would have been even more fun to do!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Lasik didn't kill me. Yea!

Okay, so I have wanted Lasik for about 10 years now and finally had it done. And, you know what, it wasn't so bad. For sure not the horrible torture that I had in my head. I was actually more okay with the cutting part than the vision correction part, and I think most people are the other way around. With the cutting part they put this suction thing on my eye and I lost all vision. If you can get past that... it's all good because you can't see or feel anything (or smell anything for that matter). The second part was really freaky to me. While it was probably more comfortable than the cutting (no suction thing) I could see everything they were doing (more or less) plus the laser smelled like... burning flesh? I don't know what that really smells like I guess, but they assured me it was only the laser smell and not anything they were doing to me. Good enough, I said. It's only been a couple of days and I'm not 100%, but they said it will keep getting better. I plan on writing a full review of the whole experience at some point. It would have helped me if I could have found even one review of the place I had it done at.

New Family Photos

I've posted about 50 "new-old" family pictures over at Flickr, including this one of Mama Lee with Tracy and Shelly in September of 1969. You'd think I'd be nearing the end of these, but no... that would be incorrect.

Steve & Sally's Wedding

Originally uploaded by brad_holt
I've posted a few photos (mostly of which I stole off myspace) of Steve & Sally's wedding, etc. There should be some more added later on.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

If I had a pet penguin and other stupid questions.

If I had a pet penguin and other stupid questions.

Current mood:sleepy

If I had a pet penguin and other stupid questions.

Do you think your wasting your time on the person you like?
Can't say I'm doing that at the moment.

Do you think you can fill this out without lying?
I think so. Let's find out, shall we?

Whats the last thing you put in your mouth?

Have you ever kissed anyone named Matthew?

Where was your default picture taken?
Front steps of Asher FBC fellowship hall.

Name something that made you laugh today?
I was looking Steve & Sally's wedding pics and saw the one where she shoved cake into his face. Big time.

How late did you stay up last night and why?
About 12, I think. Because I can.

When was the last time you cried?
Several weeks ago.

Where is your biological father right now?
He passed away

What was the last thing someone bought for you, who was it?
My aunt Evelyn brought me back a shot glass from the Moulin Rouge in Paris.

When is your birthday?
July 6

Can you live a day without TV?
I have… but there were withdraws.

Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
I would hope some are.

What are you wearing?
Boxers and a shirt

Where do you wish you were right now?
I'm okay where I'm at.

Is anything bothering you right now?

Do you hate anyone and why?
No, I don't think anyone has hurt me that bad.

If you could go back in time and change things,would you?
One or two.

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
In most cases, but I can think of a few exceptions

Ever want to get married?

Ever kissed your friends boyfriend or girlfriend?

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Oh… someone at work. I don't remember who.

How are you feeling right now?
Starting to get a little sleepy. Finally crashed from my cool-air high I had earlier this evening. I went crazy after driving back from bowling in the cool air with the windows down. I yelled parts of the song I was listening to at people out the window. Drove way too fast, too.

If you could seek revenge on someone, would you?
Not at the moment, but I could be tempted to in some cases.

Last argument?
I don't really remember, but I have a feeling it was with Ray at work.

Have you ever stripped for money?
Oh my gosh…. I've GOT to tell you guys that story someday.

Excited about anything?
A little anxious/excited about having Lasik Thursday and STOKED about going to DC next month.

What's a happy time you've had in the past week?
Steve and Sally's wedding. Which was also exhausting.

What did your last text message you received on your mobile say?
I referenced it, and the answer is, "K."

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
Mmmmm…. Yeah….. I think…. Usually.

Are you a morning or night person?
More of an… after-lunch person. Let's say that.

Are you there for your friends?
I would like to think so. Probably could be more, though.

Are you a jealous person?
I can be… but I don't think too much.

What's annoying you right now?
I've kind of got a head-ache.

You're stuck on an elevator with the person you fell the hardest for, what happens?
I think it would go something like this. First, there would be some waiting. Then one of us would press the emergency alarm and try the phone. No one would answer the phone, bc I don't think those things really work anyway. So there would be some more waiting. Then I would stand on their shoulders and open the access panel. I would peer up into the elevator shaft and see a ticking bomb! It would explode and the elevator car would rush us toward certain death! There would be screaming. Then the emergency break would catch. We would break a sigh of relief, but it would be in vain because another bomb would explode the emergency break and we would again be rushed toward sudden death! More screaming. Then the certain death.

Why, what did you think would happen?

The celebrity you love the most offers to marry you, as long as you don't talk to any of your current friends or family members anymore, do you marry them?
Doesn't sound advisable.

If you ever want to live to see another day, you're forced to snort cocaine, do you do it?
Sounds like a pretty good excuse to try cocaine to me.

If you woke up in one of the Saw movies, do you think you could survive?
No way. I could barely survive watching one.

When is the last time you were in a photobooth taking pictures with friend?
That would have been probably 20 years ago with Steve when they first put one in at Shawnee Mall.

Do you have any gay guy friends?
Not that I know of.

Did your last kiss mean anything?

Do you love someone in your friends list?

Do you wave when you see people you know?
No, I flip them the bird.

Do you chew cotton candy or suck on it until it dissolves?
i don't eat cotton candy

Who's the last person you had a sleepover with?
Oh… I have no idea.

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?
I'm afraid so.

Do you secretly like someone?

Do you announce when you have to pee?
No… and if you do, please rethink that habit

Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Oh… let's not get into that.

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
I think so

What is your favorite color?
It's always been blue.

What's your favorite type of bird?
Oh, you mean those things that crap on my truck? Kill them, kill them all.

Do you like pineapple juice?
Like, straight-up? I wouldn't think I would.

What level English are you in?
I'm not even sure what that means. I would say that I am gooder at English than other languages.

CD player or iPod?

Whats your favorite shape?
Now that's a thinker… going with…. square!

Do you wear jeans to relax at home?
Jeans? Relax? Do those go together? I think not.

Do you ever say "yo, hoe!"?
Well, I think that would be "yo, ho!" unless the reference really is to a gardening tool. But, either way—no.

If you had a pet penguin, what would you name it?
If I had a pet penguin…. ? Really?

Are you happy right now?

What are your plans for tomorrow?
Wake, breakfast, work, lunch, work, dinner, watch lots and lots of TV, shower, sleep.

Friday, August 29, 2008

I've joined a bowling league.

Originally uploaded by brad_holt
Now I've went and joined a bowling league. I don't know exactly why, I guess I thought I needed to get out more. It's comprised mostly of fellow co-workers. Apparently they needed me because I am a horrible bowler. Something about handicaps, I don't really know. What they neglected to tell me was that it costs $12.00 a week. And there's a sponsor fee. And you need shoes. Oh, and a ball too. And it goes on for 26 weeks. Talk about fine print. So, the way I figure it, I will be "investing" about $700 and half a year in this little adventure. At least I got to pick the team name! We bowl every Monday night, so come support us. Actually, no wait... let me improve first... then you come support us! All the way, baby!

I'm finally doing it!

After years of wanting to... but, no I can't... but I want to! But, no, I just can't... (you get the picture) I am having Lasik surgery. Which is kind of a big deal for me, because I am really weird about my eyes. I'm afraid they're going to start doing their thing and I'm just going to punch them upside the head or something. I've managed to achieve an outstanding intolerance to my contacts though and can't wear them but a few hours a day, if that. This is usually followed by a nice headache and it's becoming all too annoying. They're very funny at the Lasik place though. They advertise the $599 and eye, of course. But once you get up there, they tell you for that price they use, and I quote, a "vibrating razor blade" to make the flap. Or, they can use a nice laser for only pennies more per day (a lot of pennies). And, I'm like... you keep that vibrating razor blade away from my eyes! Even though I'm pretty sure it's all a ploy to get me to pay much more than $599 an eye... the threat of vibrating razor blades to my eye balls will cause me to fall for it every time.

A Few New Photos...

Randomness_23Aug2008_ 023
Originally uploaded by brad_holt
I've posted a few new photos to my personal Flickr site. Nothing too exciting... mostly nature shots.

New Yearbook

Originally uploaded by Small Town OK
I've published a new yearbook to Flickr... the 1961 Indian. Thanks to Bob Riggle for allowing me to scan his.

Small Town OK

ShawneeOK_27Aug2008_ 050
Originally uploaded by Small Town OK
I'm expanding my Asher Flickr page to all small towns and what makes them cool! To that extent, I have renamed it Small Town OK. I've just posted some pictures of Shawnee.

In addition, I've started a couple of groups. If you don't know what that is, it's just a pool that any Flickr member can dump their photos into, as long as it fits into the group. There's some interesting pictures in there.

Okla. National Register of Historic Places:

Friday, August 8, 2008

08/08/08 08:08 :: What were you doing?

Yeah, I know this type of thing is going to happen every year 2001 to 2012, but it's kind of fun. At 08:08 PM 08/08/08 I was watching the opening games of the Olympics. What were you doing?

Last of the Gulf Shores Pics

I have posted the last of the Gulf Shores vacation pics (taken by others) over on Flickr. Take a look, if you wish.

New Ada Photo's on Flickr

AdaOK_03Aug2008_ 034
Originally uploaded by Small Town OK
Okay, I know you probably don't care, but I have posted some new photos on Flickr of Ada, East Central and Wintersmith Park. This particular one is of the Sugg Clinic, an Art Deco style building downtown that's listed on the National Register of Historic Places. I've also started a new Flickr group called "Oklahoma National Register of Historic Places" (whew!) that has a lot of interesting buildings and sites in Oklahoma. The address is

Monday, July 28, 2008

36 little secrets... nothing you’re going to blackmail me with.

36 little secrets... nothing you’re going to blackmail me with.

Current mood:sleepy

36 little secrets:..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

Be honest no matter what!

[ ONE] Where was your default pic taken ?

On the steps of Asher FBC Fellowship hall at Christmas. I have used the same one forever and just keep changing the background to match my page. Because I'm a litle odd that way.

[TWO] Whats ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />ur middle name?

Alan. The shorthand "your" is so high school, btw.

[ THREE] Your relationship status?

Indefinitely single

[ FOUR] Have you ever lost a close friend?


[ FIVE] What is your current mood?

A little sleepy but otherwise satisfactory

[SIX]What is one of your sisters names?

I do not have any sisters, but I have a brother, Steve.

[SEVEN] Whats your favorite color(s)?

Blue and yellow. I kind of like the new AT&T phone books.

[EiGHT] if you could go back in time and change something would you?

One in particular... but I'm not going to tell you.

[NINE] Have a crazy side?

I tend to go a little off whenever authority figures are absent. Both at school and now at work.

[TEN] Ever had a near death experience?

Not that I know about.

[ELEVEN] Last kiss that made you think, "God I love him/her

Honesty, can't say I've ever thought that exactly.

[TWELVE] Angry at anyone?

Nobody's on my list right now.

[THIRTEEN] What's stopping you from going for the person you like?

I'm an idiot.

[FOURTEEN] When is the last time you cried?

Don't remember exactly when... a couple of weeks ago. Tried to watch dad's memorial video again. Nope... still can't get through it.

[FIFTEEN] Who would you do anything for?

I'm going to have to limit that to just family if we're going to throw "anything' in there so haphazardly.

[SIXTEEN] Are you happy with your life?

In most areas... but a couple not so much.

[SEVENTEEN]Do you wish someone died?

Wow. Heavy question. But no.

[EIGHTEEN] Is there someone that you will never stop loving?


[NINETEEN] What Kind Of Phone Do You Have?

I have an overly priced, overly hyped iPhone and I like it. So there.

[TWENTY]Who do you trust most?

My mom.

[TWENTY ONE] Ever been in a fist fight?

No... can you imagine me.... in a fist fight? Seriously?

[TWENTY- THREE ] Do you speak any other languages?

No, I've taken a little Spanish, but forgot most of it. I wish I did though.

[TWENTY- FOUR] Can you talk to people about anything?

I'm going to say no on that one-- not anything.

[TWENTY- FIVE] Describe your life in one word


[TWENTY-SIX]Have you ever kissed in the rain?

Can't say that I have.

[TWENTY-SEVEN] what are you thinking of right now?

The answer to "what am I thinking of right now?" Whoa... that's one of those weird never-ending loop of a black hole questions, isn't it. Better move on.

[TWENTY- EIGHT ] What should you be doing right now?

Laundry, cleaning house, planning my DC trip, getting ready for bed... basically anything but this.

[TWENTY-NINE] Who are you thinking of right now?

Nobody in particular. I'm trying to answer this survey, for goodness sakes.

[THIRTY] What are you listening to?

Just the roar of the AC

[THIRTY- ONE] Who was the last person you told I love you to?


[THIRTY- TWO] Who was the last person who yelled at you?

I guess the closest thing would be a customer at the store last week. She wasn't really yelling, but she wasn't pleased either.

[THIRTY- THREE ] Do you act differently around the person you like?

I don't "like" anyone in particular right now, but I'm quite sure I would.

[THIRTY- FOUR] What is your natural hair color?

Brown. I've always wanted to have black hair, though. So, while there is no artificial color, if there was... that's what it would be.

[THIRTY- FIVE] Who was the last person to make you smile?

I was walking down Hwy 1 after work today (I get board of exercising the route way everytime, so today was walk down the highway day) and these two girls in this truck starting honking at me and waving. I waved back, to be polite of course, and when they got by and was pretty sure they didn't know me and just wanted to see if they could make me wave and crazy strangers driving down the road. I found it funny.... so I smiled.

[THIRTY SIX] have you ever screwed up a friendship and want a way to fix it?

No, most of my friendships are pretty much screwed-up free at the moment.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Drama at the carpet store...

Yes, that's three police cars in our parking lot. I don't have a lot of details, but let's just say they're not looking at flooring. Oh, and there was an arrest made.

Posted by ShoZu

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Killing time...

Killing time...

*What holiday is closest to your birthday?
Independence Day (almost a 4th of July baby, my mom always said)....

*Why did you go to the doctor for the last time you went?
Hives all over my entire body including my face, which rivaled Hitch, from the movie.....

*How old will you be in 5 years?
33. That's getting kind of old!

*Where was the last place you went?
The bathroom? Oh my… hmm. ....Gulf Shores.., ..AL.... would probably be more of an appropriate answer.

*Is there a mirror in your room?
Why yes there is. What you're going to do with that info, I have no idea.

*Do you have a twin?
No, I do not.

*When was the last time you were sick?
I had a pretty bad cold last month.

*What was the last movie you watched?
The Happening. That was funny--- although I don't think it was supposed to be.


*Are you afraid of shots?....

I can't say I'm a big fan.

*What color are the walls of the room you are in?
Pretty darn white.

*How many letters are in your middle name?

*How many times have you donated blood?
Just the once in high school. Combining my "not a big fan" of needles with squeezing blood from my body unfortunately equaled never again for me.

*Are you wearing anything blue?
There's some blue in my boxers.....

*Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural color?

*Who was the last person to make you think?
Whoever wrote this question. I had to think about who was the last person who made me think.


*Who was your last text from?
I really have no idea.

*What is your current mood?
Pretty good.

*Whats your dads name?
Bruce Alan


*What color is your underwear?
Kind of a red white and blue stripy thing.

*Angry at anyone?
Not so much.


*What do you want most in life?
I'm just not willing to put in the effort to answer that. Sorry.

*What should you be doing right now?
Finishing up laundry.

*Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?

Ever kissed someone over 40?
just my family members

*Who is someone you wish you could work things out with?
Nobody I can think of

*How did you and your number 4 become friends?
She was my ad rep for KKFC then KYKC. Her grandpa also works at our Mini-Storage.

*Regular Cheeto's or hot?
Regular, if either.

*If someone doesn't like you, its usually because..
They're just jealous. They're hatin'

*Do you like being around a large group of friends, or two best friends?
Usually smaller groups. I like my alone time too.

*Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?
One would think… but nothing on the horizon right now.

*Are you afraid of the dark?
Not really—used to be though.

*Ever talked to someone that was drunk?
Yeah, just last week. Was not fun.


.. ..

*Are you taller than your mom?

*Are you an emotional person?
Not really


.. ..

*Has anyone ever spread a rumor about you?
At least one I know of....

.. ..

*Have you ever punched a hole in the wall?
Can't say I have.

*Do you think you are a good person?
Pretty much, I think

*You're sitting at home bored, who do you text?
I don't text.

*What woke you up this morning?
Stupid alarm clock. Every day!


*Is tomorrow going to be a good night?
Well, if I could tell you that—I would be in a totally different profession.

*Do you wear clothes from Hollister?
What's Hollister? Or, no.

*When was the last time you cried really hard?
in September

*You're stranded alongside the road, who do you call first?
That would depend on where I am stranded.

*Why didn't you answer the phone the last time it rang?
I don't recognize the number. It was like +47 478 78789 77. I was like, what the crap is that?

*Have you ever been in handcuffs?
Play ones when I was a youngster.

*Who is the next person you want to see?
Ed McMahon… standing on my porch with a big check. Wait… he doesn't do that anymore, does he?....

Monday, July 7, 2008

Travel Horror Story (coming back from AL)!

All I had heard was bad things about the airlines, so I was not too excited about flying again (this would only be my second time), but we had not problems getting there. Getting back was a little rough, though. This is going to be long and I am going to use "so" a lot.... We were leaving to go back home Sunday and as we walk into the airport I get a text that the plane is delayed, leaving at 11:15 instead of 10:05. Which was not that big of a deal since we had a 2 hour layover in Dallas. So, we get to the ticket counter and it's only going to be a 10 minute delay (good thing we didn't come an hour later). So we get loaded up and start to take off, and about the time we should lift off the engines shut down and the emergency lights come on down the aisles. Not great. The pilot tells us there's a problem with the plane and we have to go back to the gate. So we sit there for about 20 mins and we have to deplane. The next flight out doesn't leave until 5:00 and this is about 10:30. We were supposed to be back in OKC by 4:30, mind you. So, we are pretty much trapped at the Mobile airport (which has nothing in it other than a snack bar) for 6 hours without a vehicle. We mess around for about an hour and decide to go back through security just in case they get the plane fixed. We get through security and hear our names and that we have 1 minute to board. I guess they fixed the plane and we never heard the announcement. So we ran all the way through the airport (we were the last gate, of course) and they go ahead and let us board. Then there is supposedly an extra person on board so they try to figure that out for about 20 minutes. Then it starts lightening and knocks out the airports computers so they can't get the final paperwork to leave. Had we left even within 45 minutes of re-boarding, we had a chance to catch a second connection in Dallas. But when we finally get to Dallas as 3:35, we missed that connection by 5 minutes. The next plane to OKC didn't leave until 11:00! So we rented a car and drove back to OKC (we were with someone who had their car at the airport). So, it was a big mess and we got back about 4 hours later than planned, but I guess we're rather lucky to have got back at all. So, there’s my travel horror story (there always must be one!).

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brad's Beach

This is where I spent a large part of today. I walked about a half- mile down the beach (that's our condo in the background) to this place where there was literally not a person. So, I declared it "Brad's Beach" and hung out in the water for a while, letting the waves knock me around. The seagulls kept me company.

I had my iphone with me in a bag, but didn't want to take it into the water with me but also didn't have anyone to watch it on the beach, so I buried it in the sand (along with some cash and credit card) next to this old log. I put my shirt on the log so I could find it later. I was like--- "don't steal my shirt... don't steal my shirt."

For all the pics, just click the thumbnail at right.

We're here!

We're here!
Originally uploaded by brad_holt
We made it! Actually we got in last night but we went and ate and got in late, so I was so tired. I'm out on the beach this morning. It's right outside the condo- very cool. It's not very crowded either-- I hope it stays this way!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Vacation Update

We've made it to DFW! We'll be departing here in about 20 minutes
after, hopefully, a short delay. Then it's on to Mobile and finally
Gulf Shores, which is near Pensacola, Fl.

This airport is HUGE, BTW. We're riding on the tram now to our gate. Next update from Alabama!

Leaving OKC for Vacation

In the spirit of live casting, I am going to keep my all my blog visitors (count: 2) updated on my Gulf Shores vacation. We're high above OKC headed for DFW. This plane is so cramped. I have to admit-- it's been a while since I have flown and I (quietly) freaked out a little when I looked out the window. Scared of heights and all. But I adjusted.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

MSN's on top of things!

Originally uploaded by brad_holt
Okay, so I am browsing MSN Tuesday morning and this red banner pops up that says "BREAKING NEWS: George Carlin had died at 71." And, I'm like... didn't that happen Sunday? All right... maybe it wasn't funny enough to merit a whole graphic, but I got a kick out of it.

Oh, and by the way, "The Happening" is a horrible movie. I mean, like one of those that you'll laugh through it because you just can't believe that it's really that bad. But it is. It really is.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Warren Theater

We're at the new Warren Theater in Moore, except for Steve who's apparently on a roller coaster. Really cool theater, btw. We paid for The Happening but snuck into The Hulk after we couldn't get good seats. And that covers my "done something wrong" for the day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Original River Bridge Pics

Originally uploaded by Asher OK
I added a few more pictures, some of which include the construction of the original South Canadian River Bridge, taken about 1920.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Few New Asher Pics...

I uploaded a few new Asher pics to Flickr, including this one of the Kentucky Hotel taken about 1928. Watch for more later this week.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dang you Braum's!!

Okay, so I just left Braums drive through and- yet again- I have a
less than full drink. Major pet-peeve! As much as they cost I expect
a FULL drink! Hmmmm... these blogs are going to have to get more

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Working in the yard

Working in the yard today... isn't it nice? But certaintly windy-
kind of getting on my nerves!

Saturday, April 19, 2008


Hey... I finally made the leap and got an iPhone! So I'm going to try
Livecasting-- basically live blogging from whereever I happen to be. Now something exciting needs to happen. Sitting on my couch with the laptop will have to work for now...

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Asher Photo's Added

Originally uploaded by Asher OK
I've got about 80% of my Asher photos tagged and posted to Flickr. Which is quite an accomplishment, if you knew how long it takes to tag some of those. This photo is of Doc Giles hardware. The photo's on his counter are of his three sons, Les, Stan and Frank, all of which were serving in World War II. Load up the original size picture and check out the background-- some interesting things in this picture.

New Yearbook

Originally uploaded by Asher OK
I've posted a new yearbook over at Flickr... "Memories of 1965-66." It doesn't identify anyone--because, clearly, that would have been too much trouble, but it might be fun to look at nonetheless if you're of that generation. Or not, even... some of the clothes and hair is funny.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Asher Pics are on the move...

Asher pictures now have their very own Flickr page! I've done this because I am tagging them now and I don’t want to get the Asher tags mixed up with my family/personal tags. So--bottom line--much better.

To learn more about the whole tagging thing, go to:

Or, you can just head on over to the new flickr page:

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Four things...

Four things...


*Four things about me that you may or may not have
known in no particular order. The directions are at the end.

A) Four jobs I have had in my life:..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

  1. Building ramps at the trailer shop (which begat my second club after IHMRB… BAW—Brad against welding).
  2. Iron worker at the trailer shop (used a big mean machine called a "Piranha" to cut up metal. Kind of fun… for a while).
  3. Whatever I was at the SPOT (manager, concession stand clerk, janitor…).
  4. Accounts Manager / Sales at Holt Flooring. Yes, that's right—I've never had a job that my boss' last name wasn't Holt.

B) Four movies I would watch over and over (or have watched over and over)

  1. Back to the Future
  2. Back to the Future Part II
  3. Back to the Future Part III
  4. I don't have a fourth… but if there is ever a Part IV it shall appear here.

C) Four places I have lived

  1. Asher
  2. ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Ada
  3. Somewhere else in Ada
  4. Somewhere else in Ada

D) Four TV shows I watch

  1. Lost
  2. Friday Night Lights
  3. Bones
  4. Chuck

E) Four places I have been:

  1. Kissimmee, FL
  2. Myrtle Beach, SC
  3. Denver, CO
  4. San Antonio, TX

F) People who e-mail me (regularly):

  1. People willing to enhance my "phallus."
  2. People wanting to save me big money on my meds.
  3. People sharing hot stock tips (load up on GHMD!)
  4. People offering to show me things they probably shouldn't be showing.

G) Four of my favorite foods:

  1. Carrots (however, whenever)
  2. Chicken
  3. Apple pie
  4. Steak (a GOOD steak)

H) Where I would rather be right now:

  1. Outside, since I'm sure it's still nice (why aren't I?)
  2. A really nice hotel (I like hotels)
  3. A cruise (sure, I'll jump on board with everyone else)
  4. One of those really cool jumbo jets I keep getting emails about.

I) Four friends I think will respond:

  1. Nora perhaps?
  2. I don't think anyone else will. Prove me wrong!

J) Things I am looking forward to this year:

  1. Hopefully going to Washington DC this fall!!! I'm very excited.
  2. Spring
  3. My brother's wedding (never been in a wedding before)
  4. Christmas (I know, I know… but I like it!)

Now, here's what you're supposed to do... and
please do not spoil the fun.

Hit forward, delete my answers and type in your own. Send it to your
friends INCLUDING the person who sent it to you.

The theory is that you will learn a lot of
little-known facts about those who know you.
Remember to send it back to the person who sent it to you.