Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Eve

ChristmasEve_24Dec2008_ 013
Originally uploaded by
For our decidedly low-key Christmas Eve this year we had Pizza and Pasta from Pizza Hut, opened gifts and played a game where we pretty much made up our own rules. We laughed a lot over not much at all and ate too many brownies.

Why, yes, there are pictures on Flickr. And, they're right about here

And, for what just edged out last year as the worst Christmas ever, mom and I spent it at the hospital with Mamalee who is not doing well. We had lunch and dinner at the Casino next door to the hospital, which was sad all in itself. (but not all that bad food, it turned out). We did get a break and joined Steve to watch Valkrie, which was okay but not exactly the feel-good fuzzy movie we should have went seen. Here's to a better Christmas next year.

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